Source code for pysgmcmc.diagnostics.sample_chains

This module contains adapter functions to obtain `pymc3.(Multi-)Trace` objects
from any of our samplers.
This allows us to use any diagnostics supported by `pymc3` to quantify
our samplers.

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pymc3
import logging

[docs]class PYSGMCMCTrace(object): """ Adapter class to connect the worlds of pysgmcmc and pymc3. Represents a single chain/trace of samples obtained from a sgmcmc sampler. """ def __init__(self, chain_id, samples, varnames=None): """ Set up a trace with given (unique) `chain_id` and sampled values `samples` that each represent a full sampler iteration sampling values for all variables with the given `varnames`. Parameters ---------- chain_id : int A numeric id that uniquely identifies this chain/trace. samples : List[List] Single chain of samples extracted from a `pysgmcmc.MCMCSampler` instance. varnames : List[String] or NoneType, optional TODO: doku Examples ---------- The following example shows a simple construction of a PYSGMCMCTrace from 2d dummy data: >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> params = [tf.Variable(0., name="x"), tf.Variable(0., name="y")] >>> names = [ for variable in params] >>> dummy_samples = [[0., 0.], [0.2, -0.2], [0.3, -0.5], [0.1, 0.]] >>> trace = PYSGMCMCTrace(chain_id=0, samples=dummy_samples, varnames=names) >>> trace.n_vars, trace.varnames == names, len(trace.varnames) == trace.n_vars (2, True, True) If `varnames` is `None`, anonymous names resulting from enumerating all target parameters are used: >>> dummy_samples = [[0., 0.], [0.2, -0.2], [0.3, -0.5], [0.1, 0.]] >>> trace = PYSGMCMCTrace(chain_id=0, samples=dummy_samples, varnames=None) >>> trace.varnames ['0', '1'] """ self.chain = chain_id assert(hasattr(samples, "__len__")), "Samples needs to have a __len__ attribute." assert(len(samples) >= 1), "There needs to be at least one sample." self.samples = samples first_sample = self.samples[0] if isinstance(first_sample, (float, np.float32, np.float64)): # handle 1-d samples self.n_vars = 1 self.samples = [ [sample] for sample in self.samples ] else: self.n_vars = len(first_sample) assert(self.n_vars >= 1), "The first sample needs to have at least one variable." if varnames is None: # use anonymous variable names: enumerate logging.warning( "Variables in a trace were not named when instantiating " "a `pysgmcmc.diagnostics.sample_chain.PYSGMCMCTrace` " "from that trace. We will give them anonymous names " "by enumerating all target parameter dimensions." ) self.varnames = [ str(variable_index) for variable_index in range(self.n_vars) ] else: self.varnames = varnames assert len(self.varnames) == self.n_vars @classmethod
[docs] def from_sampler(cls, chain_id, sampler, n_samples, keep_every=1, varnames=None): """ Instantiate a trace with id `chain_id` by extracting `n_samples` from `sampler`. Parameters ---------- chain_id : int A numeric id that uniquely identifies this chain/trace. sampler : pysgmcmc.sampling.MCMCSampler subclass A sampler used to generate samples for this trace. n_samples : int Number of samples to extract from `sampler` for this chain/trace. keep_every : int Keep every `keep_every`th sample in each chain. varnames : List[String] or NoneType, optional TODO: DOKU Returns ---------- trace : PYSGMCMCTrace A wrapper around `n_samples` samples for variables with names `varnames` extracted from `sampler`. (Unique) chain id of this trace will be `chain_id`. Examples ---------- Below we show how to use this classmethod to obtain a `PYSGMCMCTrace`. Furthermore, we demonstrate that we can apply burn-in steps prior to passing the sampler, which enables us to automatically thin/remove all burn-in samples prior to recording the actual trace. We start by defining our problem, as cost function we use the negative log likelihood of a mixture of gaussians (gmm1). >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> from itertools import islice >>> from pysgmcmc.samplers.relativistic_sghmc import RelativisticSGHMCSampler >>> from pysgmcmc.diagnostics.objective_functions import gmm1_log_likelihood >>> gmm1_negative_log_likelihood = lambda *args, **kwargs: -gmm1_log_likelihood(*args, **kwargs) >>> session = tf.Session() >>> params = [tf.Variable(0., dtype=tf.float32, name="p")] Next, we set up our sampler and perform 100 steps of burn-in. We skip the samples obtained and do not record them as part of our `PYSGMCMCTrace`. >>> n_burn_in_steps = 100 >>> sampler = RelativisticSGHMCSampler(params=params, cost_fun=gmm1_negative_log_likelihood, dtype=tf.float32, session=session) >>> >>> _ = islice(sampler, n_burn_in_steps) Finally, we extract a `PYSGMCMCTrace` from the (already burnt-in) sampler using `PYSGMCMCTrace.from_sampler`. >>> n_samples = 1000 >>> varnames = ["p"] >>> chain_id = 1234 # unique id >>> trace = PYSGMCMCTrace.from_sampler(sampler=sampler, n_samples=n_samples, varnames=varnames, chain_id=chain_id) >>> session.close() >>> isinstance(trace, PYSGMCMCTrace), len(trace), trace.varnames (True, 1000, ['p']) """ from itertools import islice samples = [ sample for sample, _ in islice(sampler, n_samples) ] # ensure all sampler target parameters have a name # => tensorflow names variables automatically, so this assumption # is fair assert all(hasattr(param, "name") for param in sampler.params) # read variable names from sampler parameters if varnames is None: varnames = [ for param in sampler.params ] return PYSGMCMCTrace(chain_id, samples, varnames)
def __getitem__(self, index): """ Extract all samples for a target parameter at the given `index` in this trace. NOTE: This is equivalent to `trace.get_values(trace.varnames[index])`. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the target parameter for which we want to look up samples. Returns ---------- trace_samples : list All samples for the parameter at the given `index` in this trace. Examples ---------- >>> from numpy import allclose >>> varnames = ["x", "y"] >>> dummy_samples = [[0., 0.], [0.2, -0.2], [0.3, -0.5], [0.1, 0.]] >>> trace = PYSGMCMCTrace(chain_id=0, samples=dummy_samples, varnames=varnames) >>> allclose(trace[0], trace.get_values("x")), allclose(trace[1], trace.get_values("y")) (True, True) """ assert isinstance(index, int) assert 0 <= index < len(self.varnames) return self.get_values(self.varnames[index]) def _slice(self, slice_): """ Slice this trace using slice indices in `slice_`. Slicing a trace effectively projects the trace onto the target parameters with the slice indices. All other target parameter samples are discarded and only the ones in the slice are kept. Parameters ---------- slice_ : slice A slice use to index this trace. Returns ------- sliced_trace : PYSGMCMCTrace A new trace that keeps only variable indices in the given `slice_`. """ # XXX: Set chain_id to something unique, instead of self.chain return PYSGMCMCTrace( chain_id=self.chain, samples=self.samples[slice_], varnames=self.varnames[slice_] )
[docs] def point(self, index): """TODO: Docstring for point. Parameters ---------- index : TODO Returns ---------- TODO """ sample = self.samples[index] return { varname: sample[variable_index] for variable_index, varname in enumerate(self.varnames) }
def __len__(self): """ Length of a trace/chain is the number of samples in it. """ return len(self.samples)
[docs] def get_values(self, varname, burn=0, thin=1): """ Get all sampled values in this trace for variable with name `varname`. Parameters ---------- varname : string Name of a given target parameter of the sampler. Usually, this corresponds to the `name` attribute of the `tensorflow.Variable` object for this target parameter. burn : int, optional Discard the first `burn` sampled values from this chain. Defaults to `0`. thin : int, optional Only return every `thin`th sampled value from this chain. Defaults to `1`. Returns ---------- sampled_values : np.ndarray (N, D) All values for variable `varname` that were sampled in this chain. Formatted as (N, D) `numpy.ndarray` where `N` is the number of sampler steps in this chain and `D` is the dimensionality of variable `varname`. Examples ---------- This method makes each variable in a trace accessible by its name: >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> graph = tf.Graph() >>> params = [tf.Variable(0., name="x"), tf.Variable(0., name="y")] >>> params[0].name, params[1].name ('x_1:0', 'y_1:0') These names can be used to index the trace and obtain all sampled values for the corresponding target parameter: >>> names = [ for variable in params] >>> dummy_samples = [[0., 0.], [0.2, -0.2], [0.3, -0.5], [0.1, 0.]] >>> trace = PYSGMCMCTrace(chain_id=0, samples=dummy_samples, varnames=names) >>> trace.get_values(varname="x_1:0"), trace.get_values(varname="y_1:0") (array([ 0. , 0.2, 0.3, 0.1]), array([ 0. , -0.2, -0.5, 0. ])) If a queried name does not correspond to any parameter in the trace, a `ValueError` is raised: >>> names = [ for variable in params] >>> dummy_samples = [[0., 0.], [0.2, -0.2], [0.3, -0.5], [0.1, 0.]] >>> trace = PYSGMCMCTrace(chain_id=0, samples=dummy_samples, varnames=names) >>> trace.get_values(varname="FANTASYVARNAME") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Queried `PYSGMCMCTrace` for values of parameter with name 'FANTASYVARNAME' but the trace does not contain any parameter of that name. Known variable names were: '['x_1:0', 'y_1:0']' """ if varname not in self.varnames: raise ValueError( "Queried `PYSGMCMCTrace` for values of parameter with " "name '{name}' but the trace does not contain any " "parameter of that name. " "Known variable names were: '{varnames}'" .format(name=varname, varnames=self.varnames) ) var_index = self.varnames.index(varname) return np.asarray( [sample[var_index] for sample in self.samples[burn::thin]] )
[docs]def pymc3_multitrace(get_sampler, n_chains=2, samples_per_chain=100, keep_every=10, parameter_names=None): """ Extract chains from `sampler` and return them as `pymc3.MultiTrace` object. Parameters ---------- get_sampler : callable A callable that takes a `tensorflow.Session` object as input and returns a (possibly already burnt-in) instance of a `pysgmcmc.sampling.MCMCSampler` subclass. parameter_names : List[String] or NoneType, optional List of names for each target parameter of the sampler. Defaults to `None`, which attempts to look the parameter names up from the target parameters of the sampler returned by `get_sampler`. Returns ---------- multitrace : pymc3.backends.base.MultiTrace TODO: DOKU Examples ---------- TODO ADD EXAMPLE """ single_traces = [] for chain_id in range(n_chains): graph = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session: sampler = get_sampler(session=session) trace = PYSGMCMCTrace.from_sampler( chain_id=chain_id, sampler=sampler, n_samples=samples_per_chain, keep_every=keep_every, varnames=parameter_names ) single_traces.append(trace) return pymc3.backends.base.MultiTrace(single_traces)