Source code for pysgmcmc.models.losses

import typing

import torch
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss, _assert_no_grad

from pysgmcmc.torch_typing import (
    VariancePrior, WeightPrior, Predictions, Targets,
    TorchLoss, TorchLossFunction
from pysgmcmc.models.priors import log_variance_prior, weight_prior

[docs]class NegativeLogLikelihood(_Loss): """ Impementation of BNN negative log likelihood for regression problems. """ name = "NLL"
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters: typing.Iterable[torch.Tensor], num_datapoints: int, variance_prior: VariancePrior=log_variance_prior, weight_prior: WeightPrior=weight_prior, size_average: bool=True, reduce: bool=False) -> None: """ Instantiate a loss object for given network `parameters`. Requires `num_datapoints` of the entire regression dataset for proper scaling. Parameters ---------- parameters : typing.Iterable[torch.Tensor] Pytorch variables of BNN parameters. num_datapoints : int Total number of datapoints of the entire regression dataset to process. variance_prior : pysgmcmc.torch_typing.VariancePrior, optional Prior for BNN variance. Default: `pysgmcmc.models.priors.log_variance_prior`. weight_prior : pysgmcmc.torch_typing.WeightPrior, optional Prior for BNN weights. Default: `pysgmcmc.models.priors.weight_prior`. """ assert size_average and not reduce super().__init__() self.parameters = tuple(parameters) self.num_datapoints = num_datapoints self.log_variance_prior = log_variance_prior self.weight_prior = weight_prior
[docs] def forward(self, input: Predictions, target: Targets) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute NLL for 2d-network predictions `input` and (batch) labels `target`. Parameters ---------- input : pysgmcmc.torch_typing.Predictions Network predictions. target : pysgmcmc.torch_typing.Targets Labels for each datapoint in the current batch. Returns ---------- nll: torch.Tensor Scalar value. NLL of BNN predictions given as `input` with respect to labels `target`. """ _assert_no_grad(target) batch_size = input.size(0) prediction_mean = input[:, 0].view((-1, 1)) log_prediction_variance = input[:, 1].view((-1, 1)) prediction_variance_inverse = 1. / (torch.exp(log_prediction_variance) + 1e-16) mean_squared_error = (target.view(-1, 1) - prediction_mean) ** 2 log_likelihood = torch.sum(torch.sum(-mean_squared_error * (0.5 * prediction_variance_inverse) - 0.5 * log_prediction_variance, dim=1)) log_likelihood = log_likelihood / batch_size log_likelihood += ( self.log_variance_prior(log_prediction_variance) / self.num_datapoints ) log_likelihood += self.weight_prior(self.parameters) / self.num_datapoints return -log_likelihood
[docs]def get_loss(loss_cls: TorchLoss, **loss_kwargs) -> TorchLossFunction: """ Wrapper to use `NegativeLogLikelihood` interchangeably with other pytorch losses. `loss_kwargs` is expected to be a dict with key `parameters` mapped to network parameters and key `num_datapoints` mapped to an integer representing the amount of datapoints in the entire regression dataset. Parameters ---------- loss_cls : pysgmcmc.torch_typing.TorchLoss Class type of a loss, e.g. `pysgmcmc.models.losses.NegativeLogLikelihood`. loss_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to `loss_cls`. Must contain keys `parameters` for BNN parameters and `num_datapoints` for the amount of datapoints in the entire regression dataset. Returns ---------- loss_instance: pysgmcmc.torch_typing.TorchLossFunction Instance of `loss_cls`. """ if loss_cls is NegativeLogLikelihood: return NegativeLogLikelihood(**loss_kwargs) loss_kwargs.pop("parameters") loss_kwargs.pop("num_datapoints") return loss_cls(**loss_kwargs)
[docs]def to_bayesian_loss(torch_loss): """ Wrapper to make pytorch losses compatible with our BNN predictions. BNN predictions are 2-d, with the second dimension representing model variance. This wrapper essentially passes only the network mean prediction into `torch_loss`, which allows us to evaluate `torch_loss` on our network predictions as normally. Parameters ---------- torch_loss: pysgmcmc.torch_typing.TochLoss Class type of a pytorch loss to evaluate on our BNN, e.g. `torch.nn.MSELoss`. Returns ---------- torch_loss_changed: Class type that behaves like `torch_loss` but assumes inputs coming from a BNN. It will evaluate `torch_loss` on the BNN predictions first dimension, on the mean prediction, only. """ class BayesianLoss(torch_loss): def forward(self, input, target): return super().forward(input=input[:, 0], target=target) BayesianLoss.__name__ = torch_loss.__name__ return BayesianLoss